Sunday 24 October 2010


The Brand Hatchery concepted the product idea and package design
of Boxsal as part of an internal agency assignment. They loved the idea so much they
formed Three Blind Ants, LLC, a new design company dedicated to picnic
and consumer focused fun products. Lots more photos after the jump.

"[Boxsal is] an eco-friendly, modern picnic box dressed
head-to-toe in a design style that allows you to tailor your picnic to
your personal style. Whether it's the romantic taste of Today's Date,
the inner-city style of Urban Picnic or casual coolness of Office Escape
— Boxsal is a place to pack your creativity along with some tasty

Each Boxsal is completely recyclable and
biodegradable right down to the knives, forks and spoons included in the
Boxsal Eatin' Tool kit. Utensils and cups are made of compostable corn
starch. The trays and bowls are created from sugar cane fiber. Each kit
also contains recycled napkins and a compostable trash bag for your
picnic left-overs. And while the Eatin' Tool kit is disposable, the
picnic box can be used over and over and over. It can even double as
storage box, luggage or portfolio case in the winter months.

The fact that each picnic box is fully sustainable was kind of a
given for the project. We figured that was really just the entry-fee
associated with fabricating a new product these days. The real magic
lies in the creativity that each Boxsal can bring to a picnic. You no
longer need a 100-year old oak tree to serve as the corner stone of your
afternoon getaway. Instead you can find the nearest rooftop or
inner-city park and toss down a blanket and some imagination."

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Alright, I'll admit that I love the packaging. The aesthetic is perfect for the product and its target market. But the concept of this product really irks me.

Here's where I'm lost: This thing is pitched as being "eco-friendly" and encouraging re-use, but that's just a clever disguise. Compostable items are still trash. They're manufactured, packaged, and shipped only to be thrown away. Why not include some nicely-designed plastic, aluminum, or steel utensils that can be re-used along with the box? For the money this thing costs, that should be a given.

Especially in spite of ongoing current events like BP's disaster, this thing is rather insulting. I think it's both financially and ecologically wiser to rescue a used picnic kit from a thrift store or garage sale. Although I guess for a product that's likely marketed towards trust-fund hipsters who merely want to appear ecologically responsible, Boxsal hit the nail on the head.

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