Sunday 24 October 2010

The Sustainability Enigma

an article about sustainable packaging, quite interesting,


Thus if your new sustainable packaging
designs result in any increased loss of product, through breakage, spoilage
or even reduced evacuation during use, the resulting impact can defeat
the goal of the pack in the first place, and perhaps even make your
environmental impact worse than it was. This may seem like an obvious
consideration, but it requires a disciplined approach to the design
of new packaging.

It is deceptively easy to become wrapped
up in the excitement around emergent materials and processes. But unless
these new technologies can meet or exceed the requirements of your current
product, they can be a major pitfall in the quest to become more sustainable."

Sustainable Packaging Vs. Product/Packaging Performance

The comments are also really interesting,

" The biggest tension in the packaging debates are that packaging designers are trying to shoehorn "sustainable" characteristics onto a product(s) and business model that are not and probably will never be sustainable.

My suggestion would be.. unless you are delivery a sustainable product or service, forget about thinking about sustainable packaging. "

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