Wednesday 6 October 2010

Publication, Promotion, Packaging Analysis

1. SuperDry Bag:
  • Packaging and also promotion
  • Range- different format, eg, plastic bags, varied sizes?
  • Recyclable paper, 100% Soy Ink and completely biodegradable
  • brand website printed on the bottom of inside of the bag
  • form-bag- simple and does it's supposed to
  • Offset Lithography ?

2.SuperDry Hoodie tags
  • Packaging
  • Audience interaction- the can collect them? or put them on key rings
  • Process- screen printed and embossed
  • Tags on the hoodies- identifies the range/line of clothing

3. Plymouth College of Art and Design Prospectus
  • Publication and Promotion
  • Yearly range? as its a prospectus
  • 'just' a book
  • cover- foil hot stamp technique on all the text
  • ring bound
  • used quite a nice 'fancy' stock
  • the format of the book is pretty standard but not an A size
  • quite standard and uninteresting especially for an art college prospectus ( creative people!)- looks more suitable for a business course prospectus
  • digital print and they would not make that many- only use for one year

4. Grafik Magazine-issue 181
  • Publication
  • UV spot varnish on the outline of the drawing on the cover- problem...its in such a fine area that accuracy could be problematic. If you look really closely you can see that they're not completely aligned ( not at all actually )
  • Comes as a range-issues
  • the previous ones in the past year or two are all the same style, has the same colour theme etc
  • Lithography and web fed- around 50-80,000 printed per issue

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