Wednesday 6 October 2010

Think about this....

  • The paper industry is the 4th largest emitter of greenhouse gases- Green press initiative
  • 100 million trees are felled annually to produce (junkmail) something that we don't even want-
  • We(graphic designers) are really good at making things. We make them to solve a problem but sometimes create other problems
  • some of us are not good at understanding consequences of the things we make
  • making sustainable design what design is not merely what it could be
  • Just by knowing little bit more- "The more knowledge and tools the easier it is to make better decisions that when added up can change the world"
What is design?

moving from an existing condition to a preferred one- Milton Glacer

help people live better lives


What most people see in their garbage cans is juts the tips of an ice burg; the product itself contains on average only 5 percent of the raw material involved in the process of making and delivering it ( cradle to cradle )

You wouldn't rely on savings to meet all your daily expenses so why reply on savings to meet all of humanity's energy needs?

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